ICEE 2007 • |
This is the first of our newsletters intended to
keep a relationship of virtual proximity with the authors of ICEE 2007. The dissemination of results occurred on March 16
(with just a couple of exceptions on March 17). All authors of both approved
and non-approved abstracts have been sent messages. So, if you did not
receive a message, please get in touch with me at icee2007progr@dei.uc.pt. Since some
messages have been retained in spam filters at the destination, some authors
have misprinted their addresses when supplying them to the Conference
Management System, and some messages have been returned because of full
inboxes, we may still have some abstracts accepted that their authors ignore. As we are now one month away from the deadline for
the reception of full papers, we would like to call your special attention to
a few important points: 1.1. TEMPLATE. Please make sure that you use
the template supplied at the submission page of ICEE 2007, at http://icee2007.dei.uc.pt/submission.htm,
and that you comply with the formatting instructions contained in that
template. Papers not conforming to this template will not be accepted. 1.2. REFERENCING CONVENTIONS. Also, please
make sure that you comply with the referencing conventions of the IEEE,
available on page 4 of http://www.ieee.org/pubs/transactions/auinfo03.pdf. 1.3. GUIDELINES. To make sure that the paper
is not rejected by the reviewers, please read carefully the guidelines
available at: http://www.dei.uc.pt/~adf/icee2007guide.pdf.
Also, make sure that the paper relates very clearly to Engineering
Education and that English language construction is carefully checked
by a knowledgeable English writer, since these are mandatory conditions for
acceptance. 1.4. PAPER LENGTH. We remind you that, as
stated on the submission page, you should not exceed the paper length of
six pages. As you know, the effort required to squeeze into six pages a
paper that takes some ten or twelve pages in its first version is often one of
the best ways of improving its readability, quality, and effectiveness. 1.5. ANONYMITY. To allow for blind review,
please do not include the author’s names on the paper. You will be
able to insert the names later, when, after the review and approval of your
paper you are requested to supply its final version. Don’t be concerned that
the conferencing system might loose your paper if it hasn’t the authors’
names. It doesn’t, because it refers to all the elements (name, email
address, etc.) you originally supplied when sending in your abstract. 1.6. FILE FORMAT. Please supply you paper in Microsoft
Word or a compatible format. As an alternative, you may send a PDF
file provided you comply with the original template. 1.7. DEADLINE. The deadline for reception of
the full papers is the last minute of May 2, 2007, GMT. To avoid any
disturbances to the workflow of paper reviewing, no exceptions will be
CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2.1. Please make sure that all the elements you
supplied when registering at the system are correct. Take special care in
granting that your email address and those of your co-authors are
correct, since these are the only means we have to get in touch with you. 2.2. ABSTRACT IN THE SYSTEM. The abstract
you have entered originally in the form field of the electronic submission
system will be used to print the Conference Program Booklet. The Program
Booklet will be essential to help participants decide, throughout the
conference, what sessions they will be attending. For this reason, and to
make sure that the Program Booklet becomes as user friendly as possible,
please review your original abstract and make sure that it stays smaller
than 200 words. Also, please make sure that the abstract closely
relates to Engineering Education and is written is good English.
You may find it useful to copy the abstract from your paper and paste it onto
the abstract form field of your personal space on the electronic conferencing
carry out the above changes and recall
the title of your abstract and any other information you have submitted
please enter in “Authors”, "Edit Submission", at http://web.dei.uc.pt/~icee2007/openconf/openconf.php
and provide the ID code of your abstract. If you have forgotten your
password, you may ask the system to send you a new one. We look forward to your contribution to a great
conference. We’ll come back to you with a second newsletter in a couple of
weeks. Yours
sincerely Antonio
Dias de Figueiredo Program Committee Chair - back to the
newsletter listing |