ICEE 2007 • |
This is our second newsletter intended to keep a
relationship of virtual proximity with the authors of ICEE
2007. We are now two weeks from the deadline of May 2. Please note that no emailed submissions will
be accepted and that the ICEE 2007 Conference Management System will
close at the last minute of May 2, GMT. We have been receiving your submissions steadily,
and we are very enthusiastic about them. We notice, however, that some submissions do
not comply with the instructions provided and are, thus, very likely
to be rejected. Some of them do not follow the template; others follow
the template only in part; others do not comply with the referencing
conventions. A few of them are mere unformatted abstracts!... I am sure that we all wish the International
Conference on Engineering Education (ICCE) to be the top Engineering
Education conference, worldwide. That status can only be achieved,
however, if we all collaborate in making it so. As we know, no respectable
conference will accept to put online proceedings that do not adhere very
strictly to a common, scientifically sound, standard. We fiercely wish to keep as many papers as possible.
Some of the papers received so far are, indeed, very interesting, except for
the careless formatting. So, we insist in requesting you to carefully
check that ALL the recommendations given in Newsletter Nº 1 are followed.
Please make sure that all formatting - text, pictures, tables, captions,
section headings and so on - conforms to the template posted on the
conference web page. To facilitate your checking, we are making
Newsletter No. 1 available at http://icee2007.dei.uc.pt/newsletter01.htm We look forward to your contribution to a great
conference. We’ll come back to you with a third newsletter soon. Yours sincerely - back to the newsletter listing |